Mark 4:8
8 Other seed fell
into good soil and brought forth grain, growing up and increasing and yielding
thirty and sixty and a hundredfold.’
After hearing this parable in church, I have often worried
that I have not fallen on good soil because I don’t feel that I am bringing
forth grain and growing and increasing in the Lord. But, I have come to understand that many
things I have done may not be in my sight, and yet have still made a difference
to someone along my life’s journey.
I have had the privilege of teaching for over 20 years. I
have taught high school students, college students, and adults. I have taught little people, too, either
technology lessons or Sunday School. I
have heard from some of them that I have made a difference in their lives, but
I know I have influenced others who may not have told me so. I know that sometimes my teaching falls on
the path, or rocky ground, or the thorns, and those I may have lost, but I feel
sure that because I have the gift of teaching that much of my life’s work has
fallen onto fertile soil and has yielded more than I can imagine.
In addition to teaching, I feel that I have touched people
through my prayers. I am not saying that I am always a disciplined prayer
warrior, but I do pray for people who request prayers from me and I do try to
remember to say grace before every meal.
I have prayed for God’s healing for people who are far away in hospitals
and for people in my own family. I have prayed for the right job and freedom
from anxiety. I have prayed for help and help has come. Prayer is a gift that I feel I have received
and nurtured in good soil and have given back to God and others many fold.
I guess the importance of this parable to me is to be that
person putting the good out into the world.
It is not up to me to see where it falls or despair if it doesn’t fall
on fertile ground. My job as a teacher and pray-er and Christian is to put
myself out there and share with the world the blessings I have received.
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