Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday, March 7

Philippians 4:1-9
 9Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.

This verse from today’s New Testament reading is one I have chosen because today is my Aunt Jenny’s birthday. When I was born, she was just 13 and thought I was a living doll; in fact, she took me to school for a home economics project where she demonstrated how to change my diaper.  We made an A!

Jenny and I have always been close and she has shown me how to be a Christian through her caring for others. She lives this verse in her life in every way. Having loved her friends and family deeply, Jenny lives her life in a way that is a testimony to God’s love.  Yet, also in the midst of great tragedy—burying two brothers, her father, and her husband—she has been resilient in living her life joyfully.  I know she mourns for the loss of loved ones, but she also takes great joy and pride in her family especially her sons, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren. 

God’s peace is alive and well in her and you can see it what she does and how she acts lovingly to others.  She has been my friend forever; I truly believe God knew exactly what He was doing when he made her my aunt.  Our relationship has been one of support, caring, and love and for that I am truly thankful.  I know that God places many people in our lives to remind us that He is always with us. Jenny is one of those special angels among us.

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